Lisa Daria Kennedy – Painting a Day - click here for registration details
● Thursday – Saturday, January 5 – 7, 2012; 9 am – 4 pm
● Demo: Wednesday, January 4, 2012; 1 – 3 pm
● Medium: Acrylic (Oil accepted)
● $300 Members/$350 Non-members
Explore the discipline of painting every day and discover how this practice of daily painting produces professional and personal growth. Continuous painting is by far the most effective way to improve creativity and image-making skills. In this workshop, learn techniques used to create fresh, deliberate marks using acrylic paint. Discover approaches to simplify the process and ways to stay inspired. We will delve into the principles of design, composition, value and color, as well as examine technique; color mixing, mark making and brushwork. And lastly we’ll touch upon personal voice. Tips about blogging, scheduling, motivation, inspiration and the importance of leaving a mark will also be presented. Throughout there will be demos, studio painting assignments, group critiques and individual instruction. view my work here